I'm so glad to see this sick pervert is finally being sent off to prison.
And I hope it's a clear message to others that even power and privileged wont protect you if you're a pedophile or rapist.
i thought he might get less than 2 years incarceration..
I'm so glad to see this sick pervert is finally being sent off to prison.
And I hope it's a clear message to others that even power and privileged wont protect you if you're a pedophile or rapist.
i was commenting on another thread about how local kh attendance is down.
memorial attendance was also way down and the circuit assembly had hundreds less people than what is typical.
my jw family has even mentioned it.
Figures now compared to 10 , 15 or 20 years ago are the only benchmarks you should go on otherwise its just a waste of time.
I don't agree with this at all. We should NOT compare numbers from 20 years ago because the WT has changed it's metrics. In order to inflate their numbers, they now consider 15min a month an "active" publisher.
It's also worth pointing out that there has been a CONSIDERABLE push to get teens and pre-teens baptized. Once again, this has been done to try and inflate their numbers.
Comparing numbers only works if the metrics for that comparison are identical. In the case of peak publishers and number baptized - those metrics have be laxed considerably. People that would never of been counted before are now being added to the books.
hi new folks, lurkers and trolls.
i thought i would post this simple but interesting video which shows how scientists bring multiple lines of evidence together to prove evolution is true; for example:.
comparative anatomy.
So Even Mount Everest should have been under water. How did the People and species inside the ark breathe then ? To my understanding we need breathing equipment to breathe beyond a certain Altitude.
There are MANY reasons the global flood is absurd. But I don't really think this is a fair criticism. If the earth were to be covered in water than the atmosphere would naturally stay above that water. Or, to put it another way, Noah's altitude would've been sea level.
If your looking for absurdity, consider that the Egyptians, Sumarians, Harrapans, and the Chinese all failed to notice that they got wiped out by Yawehs incompetence. They all have a written history and governments that predate the flood and have continuity after the flood.
Or the fact that the pyridamids, constructed hundreds of years before the supposed flood, show no signs of water damage or decay.
Or the fact that we have trees still around today that were alive before the time of Noah - like this bristle cone pine here in Northern CA:
Etc. A global flood 4,000 years ago is pure mythology refuted by geology, stratigraphy, geophysics, paleontology, biology, anthropology, and archaeology . . . just to name a few.
hi new folks, lurkers and trolls.
i thought i would post this simple but interesting video which shows how scientists bring multiple lines of evidence together to prove evolution is true; for example:.
comparative anatomy.
Fact: All information comes from a mind
What about tree rings? They contain information but trees don't have minds.
Or what about geological layers? They contain information yet rocks don't have minds.
I don't think it's a "fact" that all information comes from minds. I think it's simply something creationists have made up.
Information exists in every object in our entire universe independent of the existence of minds. Information existed long before we were around. And will continue to exist long after we're gone.
i was commenting on another thread about how local kh attendance is down.
memorial attendance was also way down and the circuit assembly had hundreds less people than what is typical.
my jw family has even mentioned it.
Doubter - Starynight,
What part of the country do you live in?
i was commenting on another thread about how local kh attendance is down.
memorial attendance was also way down and the circuit assembly had hundreds less people than what is typical.
my jw family has even mentioned it.
My Aunt said her congregation is nearly empty and "just a bunch of older people." I've also seen that several congregations have been consolidated. About three years ago everyone got shuffled around - which makes it hard to tell just how much things have shrunk.
Here in California I do get the sense that things are on the decline - I used to see witness out knocking on doors all the time. Now I NEVER see them. I wonder if it's the same in other parts of the US too?
ok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
What are you guys talking about? The Watchtower has collapsed. By every single metric they have imploded.
Building projects - suspended indefinitely
Preaching work - relegated to passive cart "witnessing" (aka sitting on your bum doing nothing)
Printing materials - less then 1/10 what it used to be
Growth - now well below than population rate
Branches - the majority of them closed or closing
Kingdom Halls - being sold off and congregations consolidated
Theology - dumbed down and the bulk of unique WT teachings abandoned
Imminent Armageddon - moved to 20 or 30 years down the road with "overlapping generations"
The Watchtower has collapsed. It's a shell of it's former self. Is it completely gone? No. But that's not the collapse anyone was talking about.
Now that it's collapsed we'll continue to see a steady decline as the religion moves further and further into the dustbin of obscurity.
what kind of questions would you use to get a child'scritical thinking skills going from a young age with regards to the bible/god/jesus/anything to do with the religion??.
my most hated answer jws gave to people when they said you can't see god so how do you know he exists was "well you can't see electricity or gravity but you know they exist".
sorry but that doesn't prove god exists.
You might point out to the child that we can measure electricity and gravity and then ask the question, "Can we measure God?"
Perhaps ask them how they tell the difference between real gods and false gods?
and yet today's watchtower and indeed the bible condemns the israelites for moaning about having no water!
it's never occurred to me how unjust this is!
and how could a so called loving god not provide a basic human need?!.
This once again shows what a weak second tier desert god Yaweh is. He's a total failure. He couldn't stop his people from being enslaved by the Egyptians. Couldn't negotiate their release from Pharaoh despite supposedly being omnipotent and sending plagues. Couldn't get the "promised land" cleared of inhabitants before the Israelites scouted the land. And completely forgot to give the Israelite water for days on end.
Yaweh really needs to get out of the God business. He's not a leader. He's a incompetent bumbling oaf that gets all those who follow him killed (if he doesn't kill them himself).
i would like as many people that can, to respond to this appeal as i am sure their are many examples out their that may help lurkers and fence sitters to make a decision on where they stand regarding the "truth".
i look forward to your comments either negative or plus..
I’ve never read that the United Nations is Babylon the great in the revelation book.
I would love to have a quote.-Doubter
The UN is the beast that Babylon the Great rides. Here's a quote from the Revelation book:
The angel further explains to John: “And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king, but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.” (Revelation 17:11) The symbolic scarlet-colored wild beast “springs from” the seven heads; that is, it is born from, or owes its existence to, those heads of the original “wild beast . . . out of the sea,” of which the scarlet-colored wild beast is an image. In what way? Well, in 1919 the Anglo-American power was the ascendant head. The previous six heads had fallen, and the position of dominant world power had passed to this dual head and was now centered in it. This seventh head, as the current representative of the line of world powers, was the moving force in establishing the League of Nations and is still the major promoter and financial support of the United Nations. Thus, in symbol, the scarlet-colored wild beast—the eighth king—“springs from” the original seven heads. Viewed in this way, the statement that it sprang from the seven harmonizes well with the earlier revelation that the wild beast with two horns like a lamb (the Anglo-American World Power, the seventh head of that original wild beast) urged the making of the image and gave it life.—Revelation 13:1, 11, 14, 15.